CREED – Cardiovascular Risk Extended Evaluation in Dialysis Patients

Principal contacts

Carmine Zoccali - National Research Council, Reggio Calabria, Italy

Giovanni Tripepi - National Research Council, Reggio Calabria, Italy

Francesca Mallamaci - National Research Council, Reggio Calabria, Italy

Study design

The Cardiovascular Risk Extended Evaluation in Dialysis Patients (CREED) study is focusing on dialysis patients and is based in the urban area of Reggio Calabria, Italy. Only patients were recruited for the study who were free of overt cardiovascular congestion or intercurrent infections (fever, infected vascular access or peritonitis or exit site infection). The principal aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between inflammatory processes and atherosclerosis in uraemic patients on chronic dialysis. The protocol was in conformity with the local ethical guidelines of the institution and informed consent was obtained from each participant.


Key publications

Inflammation is associated with carotid atherosclerosis in dialysis patients. Creed Investigators. Cardiovascular Risk Extended Evaluation in Dialysis Patients. J Hypertens. 2000 Sep;18(9):1207-13

Prognostic value of ultrasonographic measurement of carotid intima media thickness in dialysis patients. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2001 Nov;12(11):2458-64