Principal contacts

J. David Spence - Western University, London, Canada

Thapat Wannarong - Western University, London, Canada

Grace Parraga - Western University, London, Canada

Study design

The SPARC Study is focusing on individuals with carotid plaque and is based in London, Canada. Individuals attending the Premature Atherosclerosis Clinic and the Stroke Prevention Clinic of the University Campus of the London Health Sciences Center (London, Canada) with a total plaque area between 40 and 600mm² were enrolled in this study. The principal aim of the study was to predict cardiovascular events by progression of total plaque volume. Participants gave written consent to a protocol approved by the Western University Human Ethics Research Board.

Link to study webpage –


Key publications

Progression of Carotid Plaque Volume Predicts Cardiovascular Events. Stroke. 2013 Jul;44(7):1859-65