RIAS – Resistive Index in Atherosclerosis Study

Principal contacts

Daniel Staub - University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland

Beat Frauchiger - Kantonsspital Frauenfeld, Frauenfeld, Switzerland

Heiko Uthoff - University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland

Study design

The Resistive Index in Atherosclerosis Study (RIAS) is focusing on individuals with a vascular risk factor or a clinical manifestation of atherosclerosis and is based in Frauenfeld, Switzerland. Individuals attending the Cantonal Hospital, Frauenfeld, between December 1999 and February 2000 were enrolled in this study. Exclusion criteria were malignant diseases with an estimated life expectancy of <2 years and age <16 or >80 years. The principal aim of the study was to investigate the association between the resistive index and the degree of atherosclerosis. The study was approved by the local ethics committee, and all patients gave their written consent.


Key publications

Comparison of Carotid Arterial Resistive Indices With Intima-Media Thickness as Sonographic Markers of Atherosclerosis. Stroke. 2001 Apr;32(4):836-41

Prediction of Cardiovascular Morbidity and Mortalityof the Internal Carotid Artery Resistive Index With the Carotid Artery Intima-Media Thickness. Stroke. 2006 Mar;37(3):800-5

Intima-Media Thickness and Carotid Resistive Index: Progression Over 6 Years and Predictive Value for Cardiovascular Events. Ultraschall Med. 2008 Dec;29(6):604-10

PROCAM-, FRAMINGHAM-, SCORE– and SMART-risk score for predicting cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in patients with overt atherosclerosis. Vasa. 2010 Nov;39(4):325-33