Principal contacts

Miles D. Witham - Newcastle University and Newcastle-upon-Tyne Hospitals Trust, Newcastle, UK

Study design

The KIMVASC Study is a is a two-arm clinical trial based at the Tayside Institute for Cardiac Research, Ninewells Hospital Dundee, Scotland. The principal aim of the trial was to investigate the effect of Vitamin K2 (0.1mg/day) versus placebo on vascular health in elderly with vascular disease. Individuals were recruited from two primary care practices within Tayside, Scotland, and were eligible for inclusion if they were aged 70 years or older with a history of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, or previously diagnosed vascular disease. Written informed consent was obtained from all participants. The trial was approved by Tayside Committee on Medical Research Ethics.

Link to study webpage –


Key publications

Effect of Vitamin K on Vascular Health and Physical Function in Older People with Vascular Disease – A Randomised Controlled Trial. J Nutr Health Aging. 2016 Mar;20(3):325-33