Principal contacts

Matthew Walters - University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK

Peter Higgins - University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK

Jesse Dawson - University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK

Study design

The ALLO-IMT Study is a two-arm clinical trial based in Glasgow, Scotland. The principal aim of the trial was to investigate the effect of Allopurinol (300mg/day) versus placebo on carotid intima-media thickness and markers of endothelial function in patients with ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack. Individuals were identified when attending the Acute Stroke Unit at the Western Infirmary, Glasgow and were eligible for inclusion if they were aged over 18 years and had experienced ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack within the past year. All participants provided written informed consent. The study was approved by the West Medical research ethics committee.

Link to study webpage –


Key publications

Allopurinol reduces brachial and central blood pressure, and carotid intima-media thickness progression after ischaemic stroke and transient ischaemic attack: a randomised controlled trial. Heart. 2014 Jul;100(14):1085-92